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Give Up Resolutions for Goals  

It being January, I’m sure a lot of you have made New Years resolutions.  Personally, I’m not a fan of resolutions and suggest you set goals for yourself instead.  Resolutions often have an all or nothing quality about them (e.g. you have one cigarette and you just blew quitting) whereas goals have more the idea of working toward something.  Below are some ideas to help you achieve your goals.

  • Make your goals public. Share them with someone who will help keep you accountable in a supportive way
  • Set regular dates with yourself to check on your progress and if necessary, alter you plan. Put the dates in your calendar.
  • Seek support from those close to you. In addition to emotional support this might include asking some people to change their behavior to support you (e.g. not smoke in front of you or not bring ice cream home from the grocery store)
  • Get a buddy. If you can set goals with someone else who has the same or a similar goal, you can keep each other accountable, provide support and share tips.